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The "Conflict Management Solutions in Schools: A Teacher's Guide" course is a comprehensive and highly practical training program designed to empower teachers and adult educators with essential skills to effectively manage conflicts that arise within educational environments.


In today's diverse and dynamic classrooms, conflicts can be inevitable, but their proper handling is crucial for maintaining a positive and conducive learning atmosphere. This course equips educators with a range of proven strategies and techniques to de-escalate, address, and resolve conflicts, promoting a harmonious and supportive learning environment for both students and educators alike. Throughout this 5-day intensive course, participants will delve into various aspects of conflict management, starting with understanding the underlying causes of conflicts in schools. Teachers will explore the psychology behind conflict dynamics and learn to identify early warning signs to proactively intervene before situations escalate. By developing this awareness, educators can create a more empathetic and responsive learning space that fosters open communication and trust. 


By the end of the course, teachers will have developed a comprehensive conflict management toolkit that they can seamlessly integrate into their daily teaching practices. They will leave the program with increased confidence in their ability to de-escalate conflicts, encourage positive behaviors, and create a nurturing learning environment that fosters growth and academic success.

  1. Understanding Conflict Dynamics: Participants will gain a deep understanding of the underlying causes and dynamics of conflicts that commonly arise in school settings. They will be able to identify early signs of conflict and assess the potential impact on the learning environment.

  2. Effective Communication Skills: Educators will develop enhanced communication skills, including active listening, nonviolent communication, and constructive feedback techniques. They will be better equipped to engage in productive and empathetic dialogues with students and colleagues, leading to more constructive conflict resolution.

  3. Proactive Conflict Resolution: Participants will learn strategies to proactively manage and prevent conflicts from escalating. By employing early intervention techniques, teachers can create a positive and inclusive classroom atmosphere that minimizes the occurrence of disruptive conflicts.

  4. Peer Mediation and Restorative Practices: Teachers will explore peer mediation techniques and restorative justice practices, empowering them to guide students in resolving their conflicts collaboratively. These methods promote accountability, empathy, and reconciliation among students.

  5. Managing Authority Conflicts: Educators will gain tools to effectively handle conflicts related to teacher-student authority dynamics. They will learn how to enforce boundaries while maintaining a respectful and supportive relationship with students.

  6. Conflict Resolution in Colleague Interactions: Participants will be equipped to handle conflicts that may arise among colleagues, fostering a cooperative and positive working environment within the school.

  7. Cultivating a Nurturing Learning Environment: The course will empower educators to create a nurturing learning environment that promotes academic growth and emotional well-being. Participants will learn to integrate conflict management strategies seamlessly into their teaching practices.

  8. Promoting Empathy and Understanding: By understanding the perspectives of all parties involved in conflicts, teachers will be able to foster empathy and promote a culture of understanding and respect within the classroom.

  9. Enhanced Confidence: Participants will gain increased confidence in their ability to handle conflicts effectively and constructively, contributing to their overall professional development as educators.

  10. Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity: The course will emphasize the importance of cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in conflict management. Participants will learn to navigate conflicts arising from cultural differences and embrace diversity within the school community.

Classes take place Monday to Friday in the morning.


Day 1: Understanding Conflict Dynamics


Welcome and Course Overview

Expectations and participant introductions.

The psychology of conflicts in educational settings.

Identifying early signs of conflicts and potential triggers.

Strategies for preventing conflicts before they escalate.

Workshop: Case studies and group discussions.


Day 2: Effective Communication for Conflict Resolution


Importance of effective communication in conflict management.

Active listening techniques for empathetic understanding.

Nonviolent communication and its application in classroom conflicts.

Providing constructive feedback to students and colleagues.

Practical exercises: Role-playing and communication simulations.


Day 3: Proactive Conflict Resolution Strategies


Developing a proactive approach to conflict management.

Implementing conflict resolution frameworks in the classroom.

Teaching conflict resolution skills to students.

Workshop: Designing conflict resolution activities for different age groups.


Day 4: Peer Mediation and Restorative Practices


Understanding the principles of peer mediation.

Training students to become peer mediators.

Introducing restorative justice practices in schools.

Workshop: Conducting mock peer mediation sessions.


Day 5: Handling Authority Conflicts and Promoting Inclusivity


Managing conflicts related to teacher-student authority.

Enforcing boundaries while maintaining a supportive environment.

Conflict resolution in colleague interactions and teamwork.

Embracing cultural sensitivity and promoting inclusivity.

Final reflections and Certification of Attendance 

Confirmation of Erasmus+ Mobility documents

The 5-day course fee per participant is set at 420€, which provides comprehensive coverage for all aspects of the program. This fee includes the following:


  1. Course Materials: Participants will receive all necessary course materials, including handouts, guides, and resources, to support their learning throughout the program.

  2. Administrative Support: Participants will benefit from administrative assistance before, during, and after the course, ensuring a smooth registration process, timely communication, and any necessary follow-up support.

  3. Monitoring and Mentoring: The course fee covers monitoring and mentoring services provided by experienced professionals who will guide participants throughout the program, offering personalized support, feedback, and guidance.

  4. Coffee Breaks: Participants will enjoy refreshments during coffee breaks, fostering networking opportunities and providing a relaxed environment for informal discussions and interactions.

  5. Other Inclusions: The fee also covers any additional services or resources required for the successful implementation of the course, ensuring a comprehensive and fulfilling learning experience.


We strive to ensure that participants receive exceptional value for their investment in the course, with the fee covering a wide range of services and resources that contribute to their professional development and overall satisfaction.

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