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20th-24th May 2024 (CONFIRMED)

28th October-1st November 2024 (CONFIRMED)


This is a training program specifically designed for school administrators, leaders, school management team and school staff to enhance their communication skills within educational settings. This course focuses on providing practical and actionable guidance to help school leaders communicate more effectively with students, parents, teachers, and the broader school community.


In this course, participants will learn the fundamentals of communication, including the importance of clear and concise messaging, active listening techniques, and understanding various communication styles and preferences. The curriculum also delves into the art of providing constructive feedback and resolving conflicts, two essential skills for educational leaders. Furthermore, the course addresses the critical aspect of crisis communication, equipping school leaders with the skills necessary to manage communication during emergencies or challenging situations. It also explores building positive relationships with all stakeholders and the effective use of technology tools in communication.


Ethical and inclusive communication is emphasized throughout the program, ensuring that school leaders communicate in a fair and respectful manner, respecting diversity and cultural differences. Practical exercises, role-playing scenarios, and case studies are integrated to help participants apply their newly acquired communication strategies in real-world situations.


Ultimately, the aim of this course is to empower school leaders with the knowledge and tools to create a positive and communicative school environment that enhances collaboration, fosters a positive school culture, and leads to overall educational success. Effective communication is not just a skill but a fundamental component of successful school leadership, and this course equips educational leaders with the necessary skills to excel in their roles.

  1. Enhanced Communication Skills: Participants will develop a strong command of various communication techniques, enabling them to convey messages clearly and effectively to different audiences, including students, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders.

  2. Improved Active Listening: Students will learn the art of active listening, allowing them to better understand the needs and concerns of others and respond with empathy and understanding.

  3. Conflict Resolution Proficiency: Participants will gain the skills and confidence to manage conflicts within the school environment, fostering a more harmonious and productive atmosphere.

  4. Crisis Communication Competence: School leaders will be prepared to handle crises and emergencies with effective and timely communication, ensuring the safety and well-being of all stakeholders.

  5. Strengthened Relationship Building: Course attendees will acquire strategies to build positive and collaborative relationships with students, parents, staff, and the broader community, leading to improved trust and cooperation.

  6. Effective Meeting and Presentation Abilities: Participants will become adept at planning and leading meetings, as well as delivering engaging and informative presentations, thus promoting productive school discussions.

  7. Ethical and Inclusive Communication: Students will understand the importance of ethical and inclusive communication practices, ensuring that they communicate with respect, fairness, and sensitivity to diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

  8. Utilization of Communication Technology: School leaders will learn how to leverage technology tools and platforms for effective communication, keeping up with modern communication trends.

  9. Feedback and Constructive Criticism Skills: Attendees will be capable of providing constructive feedback and criticism in a manner that motivates and supports personal and professional growth.

  10. Practical Application: Through hands-on exercises, role-playing, and real-world case studies, participants will have opportunities to apply the communication strategies and techniques they've learned.

Lessons take place from Monday to Friday in the morning. 


Day 1 - Monday: Fundamentals of Effective Communication


Welcoming and Course Introduction

Understanding the Communication Process

Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

Communication Styles and Preferences

Adapting Communication to Different Audiences


Day 2 - Tuesday: Active Listening and Feedback


Importance of Active Listening

Active Listening Techniques

Providing Effective Feedback

Constructive Criticism and Motivation


Day 3 - Wednesday: Conflict Resolution and Crisis Communication


Conflict Resolution Strategies for School Management

Navigating Difficult Conversations as a School Leader

Crisis Communication Planning and Response in Educational Leadership

De-escalation Techniques for Conflict Resolution

Managing Crisis Communication Across Multiple Stakeholders


Day 4 - Thursday: Building Relationships and Effective Meetings in School Management


Building Positive Relationships with Stakeholders in School Management

Strategies for Fostering a Positive School Culture

Parent and Community Engagement in Educational Leadership

Use of Technology in Communication


Day 5 - Friday: Certificate and Course Wrap-up


Leading Inclusive and Diverse School Communities

Establishing Mentorship and Support Networks

Recap of Key Learnings: Course Evaluation and Q&A

Participant Feedback and Discussion

Certificate Presentation and validation of Erasmus+ mobility documents 

The 5-day course fee per participant is set at 400€, which provides comprehensive coverage for all aspects of the program. This fee includes the following:


  1. Course Materials: Participants will receive all necessary course materials, including handouts, guides, and resources, to support their learning throughout the program.

  2. Administrative Support: Participants will benefit from administrative assistance before, during, and after the course, ensuring a smooth registration process, timely communication, and any necessary follow-up support.

  3. Monitoring and Mentoring: The course fee covers monitoring and mentoring services provided by experienced professionals who will guide participants throughout the program, offering personalized support, feedback, and guidance.

  4. Coffee Breaks: Participants will enjoy refreshments during coffee breaks, fostering networking opportunities and providing a relaxed environment for informal discussions and interactions.

  5. Other Inclusions: The fee also covers any additional services or resources required for the successful implementation of the course, ensuring a comprehensive and fulfilling learning experience.


We strive to ensure that participants receive exceptional value for their investment in the course, with the fee covering a wide range of services and resources that contribute to their professional development and overall satisfaction.

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