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In today's educational landscape, the effective use of digital tools is essential for school administrators, headmasters, and staff to navigate the complexities of 21st-century school management. In "21st Century School Management: AI and Digital Solutions for School Leaders and Staff," course, you will learn how to use new technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to improve school operations. This course is designed for school leaders and staff who want to understand and apply digital tools to make their work easier and more effective. We will cover basic concepts of AI and show you how digital solutions can help with tasks like managing schedules, improving communication, and analyzing data.


The course will start by exploring the profound impact of technology on the field of education and, more specifically, its role in reshaping school management practices. You will develop a deep understanding of how technology can be a catalyst for positive change in schools. Throughout the course, you will be introduced to a diverse set of digital tools and platforms tailored to the unique needs and challenges faced by school leaders and administrators. These tools are carefully selected to empower educators to streamline processes, enhance communication, and optimize school resources. 


Effective communication and collaboration are crucial in school management. The course will cover strategies for using digital tools to foster strong connections among teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders. This will help create a more engaged and cohesive school community. You will also get hands-on experience with practical tools that can be used right away in your school. By the end of the course, you will be able to use these technologies to enhance your school’s management and support your team better. This course aims to help you stay updated with the latest advancements and make your school run more smoothly in the digital age.


  1. Understand Key Concepts: Gain a basic understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital tools relevant to school management and how they can be applied in an educational setting.

  2. Apply Digital Solutions: Learn how to use various digital tools to manage daily tasks such as scheduling, communication, and data analysis effectively.

  3. Enhance Efficiency: Develop skills to streamline administrative processes and improve overall school operations through the use of AI and technology.

  4. Improve Communication: Utilize digital solutions to enhance communication between school leaders, staff, students, and parents.

  5. Data-Driven Decision Making: Acquire the ability to analyze and interpret data to make informed decisions and improve school management practices.

  6. Implement Best Practices: Apply best practices for integrating AI and digital tools into school management to support both administrative functions and educational outcomes.

Day 1: Monday - Welcome and Introduction to AI and Digital Tools


Welcome and Course Overview: Introduction to the course objectives, schedule, and expectations

Icebreaker Activities and School Presentations

Overview of artificial intelligence (AI) and its relevance in education

Introduction to key digital tools for school management

Basic concepts of how AI can support school operations


Day 2: Tuesday - Digital Tools for Administrative Efficiency


Introduction to Digital Tools for Administrators

Exploring Essential Digital Tools for effective school management 

Hands-on training with scheduling and calendar management tools

Using communication platforms for effective team collaboration

Overview of tools for document management and data organization


Day 3: Wednesday - Implementing AI in School Management


Automating Tasks with AI: Practical ways AI can handle routine tasks

AI-Driven Administrative Tools: Exploring AI tools for managing school operations 

Data Analytics for Performance Tracking

Case Studies of AI in Education: Examining successful AI implementations in schools and discussing their impact on school management


Day 4: Thursday - AI for Communication and Collaboration


Exploring AI tools that enhance communication, including chatbots for student inquiries and automated messaging systems

Personalized Learning with AI: Implementing AI to create tailored learning experiences and support individualized instruction

AI-Enhanced Collaborative Platforms: Tools that leverage AI to improve collaboration among staff and students, such as intelligent project management systems and virtual collaboration tools

Workshop on AI-Enhanced Virtual Classrooms: Hands-on session on setting up and managing virtual classrooms using AI tools to facilitate interactive and adaptive learning environments


Day 5: Friday: Implementing AI and Digital Tools


Creating User-Friendly Guides: How to make simple guides for staff to use AI and digital tools

Training and Support: Strategies for providing training and support to ensure smooth adoption of new tools

Final Project: Develop a straightforward implementation plan for introducing AI and digital tools in your school, including steps for staff training and support

Participant Feedback and Course Evaluation

Certificate(s) of Attendance and validation of Erasmus+ documents 


The 5-day course fee per participant is set at 400€, which provides comprehensive coverage for all aspects of the program. This fee includes the following:


  1. Course Materials: Participants will receive all necessary course materials, including handouts, guides, and resources, to support their learning throughout the program.

  2. Administrative Support: Participants will benefit from administrative assistance before, during, and after the course, ensuring a smooth registration process, timely communication, and any necessary follow-up support.

  3. Monitoring and Mentoring: The course fee covers monitoring and mentoring services provided by experienced professionals who will guide participants throughout the program, offering personalized support, feedback, and guidance.

  4. Coffee Breaks: Participants will enjoy refreshments during coffee breaks, fostering networking opportunities and providing a relaxed environment for informal discussions and interactions.

  5. Other Inclusions: The fee also covers any additional services or resources required for the successful implementation of the course, ensuring a comprehensive and fulfilling learning experience.

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