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The "Active Learning Strategies: Increase Motivation and Engagement in the Classroom" is an innovative and dynamic professional development course designed for teachers who seek to enhance their instructional practices and create a more engaging and motivating learning environment for their students. This innovative program introduces the power of active learning, a dynamic approach that transforms the learning experience for both educators and students.


Active learning in the classroom is an instructional approach that shifts the traditional teacher-centered model to a student-centered one. In active learning, students take an active role in their learning process, engaging in various activities, discussions, and collaborative tasks rather than passively listening to lectures. The primary focus is on promoting active participation, critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills among students. In an active learning classroom, teachers act as facilitators, creating opportunities for students to explore and discover knowledge on their own. This approach encourages students to ask questions, share ideas, and take ownership of their learning journey.


Throughout this intensive and hands-on course, participants will gain essential knowledge and skills to: understand the concept of active learning, develop engaging lesson plans, integrate technology, motivate and encourage student participation and assess active learning outcomes. Overall, the participants will explore a range of dynamic teaching techniques, ensuring they leave with a toolkit of effective practices to create vibrant and engaging classrooms.


Target Audience: This course is designed for educators, teachers, and school administrators at all levels of education. Whether you are a new teacher seeking to improve your teaching methods or an experienced educator aiming to revitalize your classroom dynamics, this Erasmus+ course provides valuable insights and practical tools for all participants.

Upon completion of the course, participants will:


  1. Understand the Principles of Active Learning: Participants will grasp the core concepts and principles of active learning, comprehending how it transforms traditional teaching into student-centered, engaging experiences.
  2. Identify the Benefits of Active Learning: Participants will recognize the wide-ranging benefits of active learning, including increased student motivation, improved critical thinking skills, enhanced problem-solving abilities, and effective communication.

  3. Apply Active Learning Strategies: Participants will learn a diverse array of active learning strategies and methods suitable for various subjects and grade levels. They will be able to integrate these strategies into their teaching practices to create interactive and captivating learning experiences.

  4. Foster Student Engagement: Participants will gain the skills to design lessons that promote active student participation, collaboration, and enthusiasm for learning, fostering a positive and engaging classroom environment.

  5. Empower Student Motivation: Participants will explore ways to tap into students' intrinsic motivations and interests, encouraging a love for learning and empowering students to take ownership of their educational journey.

  6. Utilize Technology for Active Learning: Participants will discover how to leverage technology as a tool to enhance active learning experiences, incorporating multimedia resources and digital tools into their lessons.

  7. Design Interactive Lessons: Participants will be able to craft engaging lesson plans that incorporate hands-on activities, group discussions, and student-led projects, encouraging deeper understanding and retention of knowledge.

  8. Implement Effective Assessment Methods: Participants will learn how to assess student progress in an active learning environment, providing timely and constructive feedback to support students' learning and growth.

  9. Cultivate a Positive Learning Environment: Participants will explore strategies to create an inclusive, supportive, and respectful classroom culture that encourages open communication and collaboration among students.

  10. Reflect on Teaching Practice: Participants will develop the habit of reflecting on their teaching practice, continuously seeking opportunities for improvement, and adapting active learning strategies to meet the unique needs of their students.

Classes take place Monday to Friday in the morning.


Day 1: Understanding Active Learning Principles and Creating Engaging Lesson Plans


Course introduction, objectives, and expectations, providing an overview of the course structure and participant introductions.

Introduction to Active Learning: Definition and key principles of active learning.

Benefits of active learning for student motivation and engagement.

Brainstorming Engaging Activities:

Participants work together to generate a list of potential active learning activities.


Day 2: Integrating Technology for Enhanced Active Learning Experiences


Exploring Educational Technology Tools:

Introduction to various digital tools that support active learning.

Hands-on practice with selected tools to create interactive learning materials.

Gamification in Education:

Understanding the role of gamification in boosting motivation and engagement.

Creating gamified learning activities that align with curriculum objectives.

Virtual Reality and Simulations:

Exploring the potential of virtual reality and simulations in active learning.

Group activity: Designing a virtual field trip or simulation for a topic of choice.


Day 3: Creating Inclusive Learning Environments and Motivating Students


Inclusivity in the Classroom:

Strategies for creating a welcoming and inclusive learning environment.

Addressing diverse learning needs and cultural backgrounds.

Fostering Intrinsic Motivation: Understanding the factors that drive intrinsic motivation.

Group discussions on how to incorporate intrinsic motivation elements into lessons.

Classroom Management for Active Learning:

Strategies for managing group dynamics during active learning activities.

Role-playing scenarios to practice effective classroom management techniques.


Day 4: Assessing and Evaluating Active Learning Outcomes


Formative Assessment Techniques: Introduction to formative assessment strategies in active learning.

Creating quizzes, polls, and other interactive assessments using technology.

Observational Assessment: Practicing observational techniques to assess student engagement and participation.

Group activity: Analyzing classroom scenarios and providing constructive feedback.

Reflection and Continuous Improvement: Encouraging self-assessment and reflection among teachers.

Collaborative discussions on how to continuously improve active learning practices.


Day 5: Putting it All Together: Implementing Active Learning in the Classroom


Designing an Active Learning Lesson Plan: Step-by-step guide to creating an active learning-based lesson plan.

Group activity: Participants design lesson plans for a specific topic or subject.

Group discussions on how to adapt these activities to different subjects and grade levels.

Showcasing Active Learning Lesson Plans: Participants present and share the lesson plans they designed during the course.

Peer feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Final reflections

Certification of Attendance  

Confirmation of Erasmus+ Mobility documents

The 5-day course fee per participant is set at 400€, which provides comprehensive coverage for all aspects of the program. This fee includes the following:


  1. Course Materials: Participants will receive all necessary course materials, including handouts, guides, and resources, to support their learning throughout the program.

  2. Administrative Support: Participants will benefit from administrative assistance before, during, and after the course, ensuring a smooth registration process, timely communication, and any necessary follow-up support.

  3. Monitoring and Mentoring: The course fee covers monitoring and mentoring services provided by experienced professionals who will guide participants throughout the program, offering personalized support, feedback, and guidance.

  4. Coffee Breaks: Participants will enjoy refreshments during coffee breaks, fostering networking opportunities and providing a relaxed environment for informal discussions and interactions.

  5. Other Inclusions: The fee also covers any additional services or resources required for the successful implementation of the course, ensuring a comprehensive and fulfilling learning experience.


We strive to ensure that participants receive exceptional value for their investment in the course, with the fee covering a wide range of services and resources that contribute to their professional development and overall satisfaction.


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