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28th October - 1st November (CONFIRMED) 


This course is designed for educators like you who are eager to explore the potential of digital and AI technologies in the classroom. This Erasmus+ course provides a comprehensive overview of the foundational digital educational tools available to educators while also introducing the basics of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in education. Through this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to use both basic and advanced technological tools to enhance teaching and learning experiences.


You will start by exploring essential digital tools that support teaching and learning. This includes familiarisation with interactive platforms, digital collaboration tools, online assessment applications, and multimedia resources. You will learn how to integrate these tools effectively into your teaching practices, fostering a more engaging and interactive learning environment. The course will cover best practices for using these tools to promote pupil participation, collaboration, and critical thinking skills, ensuring you are equipped to create a dynamic and responsive classroom.


As the course progresses, you will be introduced to the basics of AI in education, focusing on practical applications such as lesson planning and resource creation. You will explore how AI can assist in personalising learning experiences and automating simple tasks, freeing up more time for you to focus on teaching. You will work with AI-driven tools that support these processes, learning how to incorporate them into your daily routines to enhance educational outcomes and make learning more tailored to individual pupils' needs.


By the end of the course, you will have developed a valuable toolkit of digital and AI resources that can be seamlessly integrated into your teaching practice. You will leave with a clear understanding of how to use these tools to innovate your teaching strategies, making learning more accessible, engaging, and effective. This course empowers you to become a leader in digital education, capable of harnessing the power of technology to transform your classroom and inspire your pupils.


Important: To fully participate in the course, all participants are kindly requested to bring their personal laptops. These laptops will be essential for hands-on activities, accessing online resources, and exploring various ICT tools and applications throughout the training sessions.


  1. Understand the Role of Digital Tools in Education: You will be able to explain the importance of digital tools in modern education and how they can enhance teaching and learning processes.
  2. Effectively Integrate Digital Tools into Teaching Practices: You will be able to select and apply appropriate digital tools to create engaging and interactive learning environments that support pupil participation and collaboration.
  3. Utilise AI for Lesson Planning and Resource Creation: You will learn to use basic AI tools to assist in lesson planning and the creation of tailored educational resources, making your teaching more efficient and personalised.
  4. Enhance Pupil Learning through Personalisation: You will be able to employ AI-driven strategies to personalise learning experiences, catering to the diverse needs and abilities of your pupils.
  5. Automate Routine Teaching Tasks: You will gain the skills to use digital and AI tools to automate routine administrative and teaching tasks, allowing you to focus more on direct pupil engagement and instruction.
  6. Develop Digital Literacy Skills: You will enhance your digital literacy, becoming proficient in using various digital platforms and tools that are essential for contemporary teaching.
  7. Promote Critical Thinking and Creativity in the Classroom: You will be able to use digital and AI tools to create activities that encourage critical thinking and creativity among pupils, fostering a more dynamic learning experience.
  8. Adapt to Future Educational Technologies: You will build confidence in your ability to adapt to new digital and AI technologies as they emerge, ensuring your teaching remains innovative and relevant.

Lessons will take place from Monday to Friday in the morning hours. 


Day 1 - Monday: Introduction to Digital Tools for Education


Welcoming and Course Overview: Introduction to the course, its objectives, and expected outcomes.

School Presentations: Brief presentations by participants about their schools and current use of digital tools in their teaching practice.

Overview of Digital Tools: Introduction to essential digital and interactive platforms

Practical Activity: Exploration of tools for interactive lessons


Day 2 - Tuesday: Integrating Digital Tools into Teaching Practices

Effective Integration: Strategies for incorporating digital tools into daily teaching practices to enhance pupil engagement.

Interactive Lessons: Techniques for designing interactive lessons

Collaboration Tools: Overview of digital collaboration tools

Digital Games and Game-Based Learning: Exploration of educational games and game-based learning platforms


Day 3 - Wednesday: Introduction to AI in Education


Basics of AI: Understanding artificial intelligence and its core concepts.

AI Tools Overview: Introduction to AI tools for education, including personalised learning platforms and AI-driven content creation tools.

Lesson Planning with AI: Exploring AI tools that assist in lesson planning

Resource Creation: Using AI to generate educational resources, such as worksheets and interactive activities.

Case Studies: Examining real-life examples of AI implementation in educational settings to understand practical applications.


Day 4 - Thursday: Practical Applications of AI for Teachers


Hands-on AI Tools: Practical sessions using AI tools for creating personalised learning experiences.

Lesson Plan Creation: Workshop on designing AI-enhanced lesson plans tailored to individual pupil needs.

Automating Tasks: Exploring how AI can automate routine administrative tasks, such as grading and feedback.

Ethical Considerations: Discussion on the ethical use of AI in education, including data privacy and the impact on teaching practices.

Practical Exercises: Developing and refining AI-integrated lesson plans and educational materials.


Day 5 - Friday: Digital Tools, Future Trends and Implementation Strategies


Creating Digital Resources: Developing digital learning materials, such as presentations and videos

Future Trends: Exploring emerging trends in digital and AI technologies for education and their potential impact on teaching practices.

Implementation Strategies: Developing strategies for integrating and sustaining the use of digital and AI tools in your teaching practice.

Final Projects: Presentations of final projects, including AI-enhanced lesson plans and digital teaching resources.

Feedback and Reflection: Reviewing feedback on the final projects and reflecting on key takeaways from the course.

Certificates of Attendance and Validation of Erasmus+ documents

The 5-day course fee per participant is set at 400€, which provides comprehensive coverage for all aspects of the program. This fee includes the following:


  1. Course Materials: Participants will receive all necessary course materials, including handouts, guides, and resources, to support their learning throughout the program.

  2. Administrative Support: Participants will benefit from administrative assistance before, during, and after the course, ensuring a smooth registration process, timely communication, and any necessary follow-up support.

  3. Monitoring and Mentoring: The course fee covers monitoring and mentoring services provided by experienced professionals who will guide participants throughout the program, offering personalized support, feedback, and guidance.

  4. Coffee Breaks: Participants will enjoy refreshments during coffee breaks, fostering networking opportunities and providing a relaxed environment for informal discussions and interactions.

  5. Other Inclusions: The fee also covers any additional services or resources required for the successful implementation of the course, ensuring a comprehensive and fulfilling learning experience.


We strive to ensure that participants receive exceptional value for their investment in the course, with the fee covering a wide range of services and resources that contribute to their professional development and overall satisfaction.


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